Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Our Class Wiki - So Far

     Up to this point in the class semester, I haven't made any contributions to the class Wiki page.  I'll be the first to admit that reviewing the actions required to post on a wiki seem daunting, but I'm sure that like riding a bike, once I begin, it will come easy. I have been pouring over our class assignments so far and thinking of relevant content that will add value to the Wiki. As discussed in my paper, I'm very interested in the safety of our information on Social Networking sites. Therefore, I am very wary of what information I make available on such sites and try to examine the fine balance between a full social networking experience and the pitfalls that we fall into through the Illusion of privacy.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are covering a very important topic in today's outcry for privacy. I like the provocative approach you're taking in referencing our social media experience through the illusion of privacy.
