Monday, October 14, 2013

Blog About Twitter

     For most of my collegiate career I have had to post for discussions conducted on Blackboard for various classes. The discussions were not so easy to follow but they were good enough for the classroom setting. Twitter presents a much cleaner version of Blackboard. It is also a lot faster, since each post can only be 140 characters, posts are a lot more concise and to-the-point. It is also a lot easier to post because Blackboard requires more authentication and without a mobile app, no one is going to sit on their laptops waiting for a response to their post. Both of these modes of media are more private than In-Class discussions, since there usually tends to be more shy or quiet people than talkers, you tend to get a discussion that is led by the professor and carried by a few students. Blackboard and Twitter allow people to respond without having to speak in class allowing them to speak more freely from the confines of their home or on a mobile device. Therefore, you would probably get a more spirited conversation on Blackboard or Twitter but it could take a while to develop as responses would depend on when everyone checks their accounts.

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